Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Player Name: *FirstMiddleLastTwitter:Example: @AdvancePrepPGPhone: *Email: *Date of Birth: *Current Age: *Gradution Class *Please provide your current year of graduation?GPA: *Please provide your current High School Grad Point Average?Test Scores: (ACT /SAT) *School Name *Please provide the name of your graudating school or the last High School you attended.Did you Graduate? *Yes (If "YES" please upload a copy)NoGraduation credentials received? *HS DiplomaGEDCertificate of Completion (ACT If specify: File Upload * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a Photocopy of your High School Diploma or GED Certificate: Sport:N/AFootballBasketballBaseballHeight: *Weight: *Football Position: N/AQuarterbackRunning Back/Full BackWide Receiver / Tight EndCenterGuardTackleKickerDefensive EndDefensive Tackle/NoseLinebackerDefensive Back/SafetyBasketball Position: N/ACenterGuardForwardBaseball Position: N/APictureCatcherFirst BaseSecond BaseThird BaseShort StopLeft FieldCenter FieldGame Film or Highlight:Example: Hudl, Quick Cuts, Youtube (Paste Link)Shirt Size: *N/ASmallMediumLargeX-Large2XLarge3XLarge4XLargeShort Size: *N/ASmallMediumLargeX-Large2XLarge3XLarge4XLargeParent/Guardian Name *FirstLastParent/Guardian Phone:Parent/Guardian Email *Do you have any known medical conditions? *Yes (If yes, please specify)NoIf yes, please specify:Are you currently on any medications? *Yes (If yes, please specify)NoIf yes, please specify: Do you have any allergies? *Yes (If yes, please specify)NoIf yes, please specify: Permission & Agreement *I agree and give my permissionConsent and Agreement Form: Acknowledgment of Risks By signing below, I acknowledge that participation in the APA Post Grad program involves athletic activities and other related events that carry inherent risks, including but not limited to physical injury, death, or other consequences. I am fully aware of these special dangers and risks and accept responsibility for them. Certification of Information I certify that all information I have provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further agree to inform academy officials, activity planners, coaches, and staff members of any physical or mental limitations that may affect my participation. Assumption of Responsibility I accept full responsibility for my personal property and equipment used in connection with this activity. I understand that APA Post Grad, its insurance, or the facility hosting this event will not cover any risks or injuries associated with my participation. Liability Waiver and Indemnification In consideration of my participation, I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless the APA Post Grad program, its staff, officials, and agents from any liability, claims, or causes of action arising out of or connected with my participation in this activity. This release extends to all risks, whether foreseen or unforeseen. Photo and Likeness Authorization I authorize the APA Post Grad program official to use my or my child’s photo or likeness at their discretion for promotional purposes without additional compensation. Medical Consent I authorize any medical personnel to treat any illness, injury, or other medical condition that may arise during my participation. I accept full financial responsibility for any medical costs incurred as a result of such treatment. Binding Agreement I have read and understand this release and indemnification agreement. By signing, I acknowledge its binding nature upon myself, my heirs, representatives, successors, assigns, and administrators. Please confirm your Consent and Agreement Form acknowledgment: *Processing Fee Authorization Consent: *By signing below, I authorize the APA Post Graduate Program to process the payment of my one-time player registration fee using the selected payment method. I understand that this fee is non-refundable and solely serves to secure my player registration for evaluation within the APA Post Grad program.Multiple Items *Player Registration Fee - $50.00Please confirm your Fee Authorization Consent: *Submit